Why only God should determines Imam?

May 11, 2018 0

[Once I was at Imam al-Askari (pbuh)’s house]. I asked his son; [Imam] Mahdi (mgehr),

‘Why aren’t people permitted to choose their Imam by themselves?’

He stated, ‘Who do you mean? A righteous or a corrupted Imam”?

I said, ‘I mean the Imam and leader who is righteous.’

He stated, ‘You are not aware of other people’s thoughts!’

Ridiculing the people who look forward the Emergence

May 11, 2018 0

In The Second Epistle, Peter says, “They will ridicule the belief that Christ (pbuh) returns!”1

In the Gospel, Matthew says, “When I come, the Messiah, the glorious Christ and with all my angels,

I will sit on my magnificent throne.

Then, all the nations on earth will stand against me.

“Bounty after the Emergence” in Sunni Sources

May 11, 2018 0

In the Last Era [of my people], there comes a caliph who donates abundant wealth and doesn’t count it.

[Then], a man will come to him and request him, ‘O, Mahdi (hgr)! Grant me [something]! Grant me…’

And Mahdi (hgr) will donate him as much as he can carry.

The night of separation1 ends

May 11, 2018 0

……, and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors (Holy Qur`an, Surah AL-HADID, verse 16)

Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

May 10, 2018 0

1. Explorations will be made by his command.

2. Inventors will provide their expertise to him, or will use his majesty (mgehr)’s expertise and knowledge.

3. People’s mindset level rises.

4. There will be also invisible divine blessings [from God] …

Gospel [enunciation] of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

May 10, 2018 0

The world cycles will be over.

Then, in the Last Era a just king who is the leader of humans, fairies and angels will emerge.

He is right and all the truth is with him. He will gain all the hidden things in seas, lands and mountains

And will tell of the heavens and the earth.

Gospel of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

May 10, 2018 0

When the day is over, the old world turns new.

And the new landowner comes.

[He is the one] whose ancestors are in turn: The Great Leader of the World; “Honor in The Last Era”. And “The Great Truth teller”.

That means the older successor is named “Pashan”.

And the owner of that new land is “The Leader”.

He deserves to be a king.

Christians have [some] common history with Jews.

May 10, 2018 0

Christians have [some] common history with Jews.

It means they have the same historical background.

 In fact, Christian grandees [can be] Jewish ones too. [Matthew 15, verse 17]

Now, is his majesty Jesus (pbuh) the same promised savior who was referred to in books of Isaiah, Zechariah and Daniel?

USB Flash

May 10, 2018 0

Consider a USB Flash;

a metal that does not exceed one centimeter in dimensions.

[But] it can transmit the data as big as even a library, once it is connected to a computer.

Now, if there remains a question for an individual that how Imam Zaman (mgehr) became an Imam in his childhood,

we will reply, “This human-made USB flash can receive and store much information once it is connected.