The ownerless horse

November 24, 2018 0

The prophets and the Imams (pbu th) had been to teach humans to control their desires.

And Imam Zaman (mgehr) is the last of this luminous generation [of prophets and Imams (pbu th)]. He is the very owner;

If we obey him, our desire will be under our control.

Seeking the savior in the words of Isaiah (pbuh)

November 23, 2018 0

He did mentioned about the savior’s emergence, more than other prophets (pbu th).

In his words, the most excellent example for saving Israelites was a person named “`Immanu’el”. (`Immanu’el means, God with us)

Before Isaiah (pbuh), the notion of Messiah or the savior wasn’t a worldwide notion at all!

Of certain signs of Emergence

November 23, 2018 0

[ وٱسْتَمِعْ يَوْمَ يُنَادِ الْمُنَادِ مِنْ مَكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ | يَوْمَ يَسْمَعُونَ الصَّيْحَةَ بِالْحَقِّ ذَلِكَ يَوْمُ الْخُرُوجِ [ق/۴۱و۴۲ And listen for the Day when the Caller […]

Imamate Must Be Understood… 

November 22, 2018 0

  Since, the “comprehension of the majority” lies with the wisdom and “comprehension of the minority” is in the field of five senses, naturally wisdom […]

I am looking forward, and he was looking forward too!

November 22, 2018 0

I am looking forward [to the Emergence], and he [Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi] was looking forward too! [It means you can’t compare us. He was truly looking forward, but I just say, not act]

The late sir Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi; famous as “Sayyid Karim Kaffāsh [Kaffāsh means shoemaker]” lived in Tehran, around sixty years ago.

In the noble prayer of Nudba [that we read] on Friday mornings, it reads:

November 10, 2018 0

«أَینَ الطَّالِبُ بِذُحُولِ الاَنْبِیاءِ وَاَبناءِ الاَنْبِیاءِ اَینَ الطَّالِبُ بِدَمِ المَقْتُولِ بِکربَلاءِ

Where is that revenger [we are looking forward to], who will take the wrongdoers’ right against the prophets and their households (pbu th)?

Where is the avenger of [his lonely ancestor; Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)] the martyr in The Battle of Karbalā1?

The Link between Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) and Imam Zaman (mgehr).

November 9, 2018 0

Of the resemblances between these two noble [Imams], are having been given the titles “Gharīb” [not truly known], “Ṭarīd” [is in Major Occultation] and Sharīd [doesn’t stay in one place].

The pilgrimage of Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh) is recommended on Mid Sha’ban rituals.

[The above sentence] may be a warning to “Absenteeism era people”, [to recall]

There is an unbreakable bond between Āshūrā and looking forward to the Emergence

November 9, 2018 0

It has been many years since Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s lonesome appeal.

But from moment to moment, its reflection has been improved in the history.

 This is a cry which with utmost firmness, motivates and rises the liberals in the world till he [The Savior: Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] emerges.

He will come and the calls of Sayyid of martyrs [Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)], all the prophets (pbu th) and the blessed ones.

The mourners are of three types:

November 9, 2018 0

The first type: They are the ones who attend and don’t leave Mourning and commemorating ceremonies,

but they will commit sins if they are tempted.

[Well] they have an incomplete understanding of Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh)’s uprising.

The second type: They are pure hearts and mourn sincerely, but unfortunately don’t know the mourning aims well.