On prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h)’s blessed birthdate

It’s well known among ImÄmiyah scholars that His Majesty’s blessed birthdate was on Rabi’ al-Awwal, 17th. And the late Allama Majlisi confirmed it according to the consensus. But most of Sunni scholars have mentioned that it was on Rabi’ al-Awwal 12th 33, Shaykh KulaynÄ« 34and some of the best Shia scholars agreed with it.

Our Shaykh, Allama NÅ«rÄ« (Mrip) wrote a treatise on this relation. It’s called “Mizan al-Sama’ fi Ta’yin MÊ¿AlÄ«d Khatam al-AnbiyÄâ€, which can be referred to, by the people who are interested in it.

It’s also well known that His Majesty Muḥammad (pbuh&h), was born at sunrise on a Friday morning. It was the year, that Aá¹£hÄb FÄ«l [the Companions of the Elephant] brought elephants to destroy great Ka’bah. But they were tortured by Martins [or similar to Martins], who threw a mixture of stones and clay at their heads. Well, his honoring birth happened in his own house, in Mecca.

When His Majesty grew up, he sold that house to ‘AqÄ«l ibn Abi TalÄ«b, and ‘AqÄ«l’s sold it to Muḥammad ibn Yusuf; Hajjaj’s brother. And he added it to the house, where he lived later…


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