Characteristics of companions of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr)

The companions of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr) are his helpers and assistants. According to hadiths, they shall assist him in his uprising upon his advent and help him form a universal government.

According to most hadiths, the number ofa companions of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr) is 313, who will miraculously gather around the Imam in a day or night in Mecca from near and distant places. Among them will be the Prophet Jesus (Pbuh), some companions of the Prophet Mu盧・ammad (Pbuh&hf) and Imams (Pbuth) such as Salman al-Farsi and Mト〕ik b. Hト〉ith al-Nakhaハソトォ. Women are also among the companions of the His Majesty.

Imト[ Mahdi (mgehr) will take allegiance from his helpers that they will fulfill all the conditions that he mentions and shall remain faithful to their word. Among the requirements of the allegiance, the following have been narrated:

–ツツツツツツ Assistance in the battlefield,

–ツツツツツツ Bearing difficulties and adversities,

–ツツツツツツ Enjoining of good and forbidding from evil,

–ツツツツツツ Refraining from prohibited and evil acts such as robbery, amassing gold, hoarding, taking of interest, desecrating mosques, giving false testimony, drinking intoxicants, giving in to materialistic pursuits, insulting the believers, pursuing runaways, illegal bloodshed, charity towards the hypocrites and infidels and committing unlawful acts.

–ツツツツツツ The companions will accept these conditions and each one of them will pledge their allegiance to the Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr).

All the companions of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr) are described to be young except for an amount as metaphorically less as kohl in the eye, or salt in the food. They are like lions in the day and devout worshipers keeping vigil by night. Their hearts are strong and firm like pieces of iron. They are people who have no longing except for martyrdom; they are obedient to their leader and master. The fearlessness and awe of these steely and determined fighters puts the enemies to their knees. They are dauntless and firm in fulfilling their duties and do not confront danger with fear.

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