The letter of hope from ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)

Narrated by: Ḥujjat ul- Islam IbÄdaÄ«

* Narrating extreme oppression of ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh), among some of the Shiites!

Aḥmad ibn IsḥÄq mentioned that, ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh) had sent a letter to one of his agents. A part of it, was as follows:

None of my ancestors were under suspicion [by some of the Shiites], as much as me! (IkmÄl al- DÄ«n, Vol. 1, P. 222)

Similarly, most of the Shiites and the friends of ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh) referred to ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh) as an ImÄm, after ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh)’s martyrdom. But, a few people called the other son of ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh), Ja’far ibn AlÄ« “Ja’far Kaddhab [liar]â€, as their ImÄm! Also, another group considered Sayyid Muḥammad who died at the time of ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh), their ImÄm!

The ones who followed ImÄmate of Ja’far Kaddhab, found unreal faults with ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbuh)!! These people who commonly were not knowledgeable, sometimes claimed that they evaluated the ImÄm’s knowledge and found out, it was not as perfect as ImÄms’ knowledge. (MaqÄlÄt wa’l-firaq., P. 101)

Other times they claimed, there were some spelling mistakes in the ImÄm’s letters. (IthbÄt al- Wasilah, P. 252). They occasionally found fault with the Imam’s type of wearing! (“Al –Ghayba†by TÅ«sÄ«, P. 246).

At times, they interfered in the affairs of the Imamate and criticized the ImÄm for the performance of the [4] deputies. (“Al –Ghayba†by TÅ«sÄ«, P. 218).

Moreover, they sometimes didn’t accept the rules/ laws by the ImÄm or his messenger! (RijÄl by KashÄ«, P. 541)


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