An Ace Day!
Imam ʿAlī (pbuh) stated:
The world will definitely come to us after rebellion and hostility;
like a fractious camel who loves his child and turns to it…
Imam ʿAlī (pbuh) stated:
The world will definitely come to us after rebellion and hostility;
like a fractious camel who loves his child and turns to it…
Moreover, since humans [‘s soul] includes concupiscence, fancy and ungoverned desires.
But [on the other hand], devils put their effort to ban them (Human) reaching to prosperity.
Therefore, the Hujjat of God1 has been and will be living on the earth, [up until doomsday].
As long as there is the universe, there must also be Hujjat of God.
A lot of people have done allegiance with him in person, many have heard him saying encouraging words, many have been caressed by him and many others, without knowing him, have expressed his kindness and love.
Everything in the universe has been created for humankind, and the purpose of human creation is “The knowledge of God and his servitude.”
Now, is our devotion what God had really intended?
When our QÄ’im (mgehr) rise, God will gather a crowd of our Shiites from their graves, who hold their sword hilts.
[And] when our living Shiites learn the news,they will give tidings that, ‘Such, such and such people have been gathered from their graves.’
They will say: “Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us without life, and twice hast Thou given us Life! Â [Al-Ghafir/ 11]
In the interpretation of the verse, Ê¿AlÄ« ibn IbrÄhÄ«m narrated from Imam á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) “This verse is about RajÊ¿a1.â€
Throughout the universe only one being is original [he is eternal, inherently unique, and not multiplicative], and he is God. So the reason for multiple […]
in the unity of those who look forward to the Emergence
We wish these one billion Muslims to be truly a unit [unified].
[It does not mean] there shouldn’t be countries and governments
The Holy Prophet [Muḥammad (Pbuh&h)] stated, “God solves problems of people through Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)” If we believe that Imam [ZamÄn (mgehr)] observes our deeds […]
Sadness and worries will be disappeared, through such a viewpoint that God’s proof and observing eye1 who is a kind and compassionate leader, sees people’s problems and hardships, and tries to solve and repulse them in various ways.
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