About ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s honorable mother

Based on some authentic documents, Ibn BÄbawayh and Shaykh TÅ«sÄ« narrated from Bishr ibn SulaymÄn. He was a slaver and one of ImÄm AlÄ« al- NaqÄ« [HÄdÄ«] and ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbu th)’s neighbors in the city “Surr man Ray†and also one of their special Shiites.  He mentioned:

Once ImÄm AlÄ« al- NaqÄ« (pbuh)’s servant whose name was “KÄfÅ«r†came to me. He told that ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh) asked for me. So, I went to The Excellency’s service and sat there. There, he stated, ‘You are of The Helpers’ offspring. And since the time of the Messenger of God (pbuh&h), you have always loved us and accepted our guardianship/ leadership. Moreover, you have been trustable to us.

[Now], I want to give you a mission which will make you reach a higher level than other Shiites, in accepting our guardianship! We will tell you the other secrets too. You are supposed to buy a bondman!’

Then, the ImÄm wrote a nice letter in Latin language and in Latin style of handwriting. Then, he sealed it with his seal. He also took out a sack that was full of gold and had two hundred and twenty Ashrafi1. He stated, ‘Take this letter and gold, head to BaqdÄd. Then you should be present at such bridge on such day.

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you can see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani AbbÄs’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn YazÄ«dâ€. You will wait up to the time, he will introduce the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear a silk clothes.

1-It was a coin equal to 3.45 grams of gold.

She will be wearing silk clothes and because of chastity, she does not like customers to look at her or touch her. Also, you will hear her speaking in Roman language. There, she means, ‘I am worried about my chastity!

Anyhow, one of the customers will say, ‘I will pay three hundred Ashrafi for this bond girl. It was her chastity which made me more eager to buy her!’ Then, the bond girl will say in Roman, ‘If you will turn to SulaymÄn ibn DÄwood [pbuh] and have his kingdom, I won’t be attracted to you! So, don’t spend your money on me and don’t waste it!

At that time, the slaver will wonder, ‘What can I do with you, when you don’t like any customers? I have to sell you!’ And the bond gild will react, ‘Why are you in hurry?! I want to be interested in him, and trust on his faithfulness and religiosity.’

Just then, you must go to the slaver and express, ‘I have a letter in Latin language and handwriting, which is written kindly by one of the noble and honorable people. He described his generosity, faithfulness and honor in the letter. Give the letter to the bond girl to read, then Give this letter to the bond girl to read. If she likes the writer of this letter, I will be a lawyer on behalf of that honorable man [the writer]. And I will buy that bond girl for him.

Bishr ibn Sulayman said, ‘I did what the Excellency had ordered, and I put his words in order. However when the bond girl looked at the letter, she cried a lot and told Amroo ibn Yazīd, ‘Sell me to the writer!’ Then, she swore to the greatest values and beseeched, ‘If you don’t sell me to him, I will kill myself!’

Anyhow, I discussed the price with the slaver so that, he was convinced to sell her at the price that His Excellency ImÄm AlÄ« NaqÄ« (pbuh) had meant. So, I gave the gold and took the bond girl. The bond girl became happy and smiley and came to the chamber which I rented in BaqdÄd. On the way, she would took out the letter, kissed it, put it on her eyes and face, and hold it close to her body.

There, I wondered, ‘you are kissing a letter which you don’t know the writer of?!’ The bond girl reacted, ‘O, you are unable to understand! You have few knowledge about the greatness of prophets (pbu th)’ offspring and successors. Listen to me carefully, so that I can explain my biography!’

I am I Malika the daughter of Yashua, son of the Caesar [king] of Rome. the son of Rome king.  My mother is one of the offspring of ShamÊ¿Å«n ibn Hamun ibn al SafÄ, who was His Excellency IsÄ (pbuh)’s successor. [Now,] I am going to explain you a wonderful news:


To be continued…



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