Some Kirト[ahs by Imト[ Zamト] (mGehr)

1-Mu盧・ammad ibn Yousef Shashトォ mentioned:

Once, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease and spent a lot of money on it, but it had no use! So, I wrote a letter to Walトォ Aナ殲 (mGehr), and requested him to pray for me. Then, I received a letter from the Imト[!! It included as follows:

リ」ルリィリウレゥ リァルルル リァルリケリァル⊥鈷ゥ ル リャリケルレゥ ルリケルリァ ル⊥ リァルリッルロ鈷ァ ル リァルリ「リョリアリゥリ

May God gift you wellness and let you be with us, in the world and hereafter.

Anyhow, I recovered less than a weak! Then I explained what happened to one of the doctors. But, he wondered, 窶弩e don窶冲 know any cure for this disease!! No doubt, your health is just by God not by any physical reason!


2- Alトォ ibn Hu盪」ayn Yamト]トォ mentioned:

Once, I went to the area 窶廣skar窶 in Samarra to visit Imト[ Aナ殲 (mGehr). I didn窶冲 introduce myself to anyone and didn窶冲 speak with my intention with anyone. But all of a sudden, an individual came to me and ordered, 窶彜tand up!窶 I wondered, 窶弩here are we going?!窶 He replied, 窶弋o our house!窶 I expressed, 窶廬 suppose, you have mistaken me for someone else. [Tell me,] what is my name?!

He reacted, 窶廸o, I have not! You are Ali ibn al Hu盪」ayn; sent by Ja窶冉ar ibn Ibrト”トォm!

Then, he took me to Hu盪」ayn ibn A盧・mad窶冱 house. He stated something to Husayn that I couldn窶冲 hear, but all of my wishes were fulfilled by him. I stayed there for three days and I requested the permission of visiting Imト[ Aナ殲 (mGehr). I got the permission and I visited the Imト[ in at ones of those nights.


1-Shaykh Kulaynトォ, P.436, Hadith 11; Shaykh Mufトォd, Vol. 2, pp. 357-358.

2- Shaykh Kulaynトォ, Vol. 1, P. 436; Mufトォd, Vol. 2, P. 358; 盪「aduq, Vol. 2, P. 491.



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