A luminous narration by Imam Askarī (pbuh)

الإمام العسكريّ عليه السلام قال :

نحنُ كَهفٌ لِمَنِ التَجَأَ إلَينا ، ونورٌ لِمَنِ استَضاءَ بِنا ، وعِصمَةٌ لِمَنِ اعتَصَمَ بِنا، مَن أحَبَّنا  كانَ مَعَنا فِي السَّنامِ الأَعلى ، ومَنِ انحَرَفَ عَنّا فَإِلَى النّارِ.

Imam Askari (pbuh) stated:

We are the shelters for the ones who take refuge [in Times of Trouble].

Also, we are the light for the ones who require us to be beamed.

The ones who seek refuge from us, will be safe.

The ones who love us, will be with us in top [spiritual] levels.

And the ones who tumble down through our path, will lead to fire.



Ibn- Shahr’ashub, M., ‘Manāghib, Vol. 4, P. 435