Mahdi ( hgr) is of my off springs

June 5, 2017 0

The Messenger of Allah; prophet Muhammad ( pbuh&h)stated:

Mahdi ( hgr) is of my off springs

His name and his sobriquet are as same as mine

He is the most similar person to me in morally and creation, among all people.

Find the hearts; warm with faith

November 26, 2018 0

Whoever always thinks of Imam Zamān (mgehr),

s/ he won’t think about sins.

Ayatullah Bahjat (mhgbs):

The hearts have [usually] turned cold in faith and aren’t lit by knowledge.

If one of the faithful gets sick, they will get sick too!

June 5, 2017 0

These honorable men[ Shiites’ imams( pbu th)] are so supervising and supportive that

If one of the faithful gets sick, they will get sick too!

Or if one of them gets sad, they will get sad too!

And if one of them gets pleased, they will do too; since, they are compatible with each other.

If one of them prays, they will say,” Amen”.

Even if s/he remains silent [doesn’t pray], the imams will still pray for her or him!

No description needed … for the people who look forward for the emergence:

July 14, 2017 0

The people were looking at each other and saying:

What’s your idea about her /his word? What does s/ he mean?

Other people said, “By God, we supposed that he [Imam Hasan (pbuh)] was going to make peace with Mu’awiya,

and give him the job!”

The others said, “By God, this man became a disbeliever!”

Once the father[ Ali ibn Yaghtin’ s father] asked,

June 5, 2017 0

Once the father[ Ali ibn Yaghtin’ s father] asked,

“How did prophet Muhammad( pbuh&h)’ s promise about Bani… came true,

but about imam Zaman( hgr)’ s emergence did’nt!”

Ali ibn Yaghtin answered, ” Dear father, if they had told us that the Emergence would be the next 200 or 300 years,

The people would trun heartless

Do you know what the dammed will Say and ؟

March 12, 2016 0

And some others will argue and fight with each other as,” You should bear part of our torment too! Since, you deviated and summoned us to evil actions…”, and their addressee will reply,” …. !Curse on you! You shouldn’t have been deviated4!
Here Satan will say,” I didn’t actually forced you to do evil actions! I just deceived you, then you responded5!”

Notifying is different from finding fault

December 15, 2015 0

Notifying is different from finding fault!
These two categories are distinct.
If someone seeks to remove his/ her owns faults, they will have the most effect on society.

The commentate of master Panahian in 12/1/1394

August 26, 2016 0

Origin of Iran’s revolution was in holy Mecca and all prophets was assembled it’s arrangement. Pure hands of prophet Mohammad (pbuh) farmed the

seed of “Islamic Revolution” good tree near the Zamzam fountain.

It was repressed in Mecca but growed in Madinah. It was ingrated in Madina but gets power in Koofa. They wanted to bury it in Koofa unmanly, but it

was resurrected in Karbala. They try to perish it on soil and blood in Ashoora, but it spreaded its roots in the earth and was immortalized, ntil appeared

in Bahman, 22, 1357 (helical), and grow our land.