Nobody has told me,

July 14, 2017 0

Sins will darken my home heart

And you won’t stay in a dark house, since you are illuminated.

Then, our home heart will be desolate, like ruins

Unless we repent, to remove the dark parts

Then, we can succed in welcoming you again.

What do we have to do to hasten imam Zaman (hgr)’ s emergence

June 5, 2017 0

Haji Saleh Nia who was one of Ayatollah Bahjat’s students in an interview with Fars1, said

“Once I asked him, ‘What do we have to do to hasten imam Zaman (hgr)’ s emergence?”

His majesty said:

Right now do the same thing that one is supposed to do in his majesty’s emergence era.

Once like always, Iblis was returning from a mission.

September 23, 2016 0

Once like always, Iblis was returning from a mission.

It was happy. So, its group asked it,

“O, commander! What’s the use of misleading people?”

Iblis answered,” When their imam emerges, it will be our deadline.

But if we make them ignorant, their imam will emerge later”

what’s your idea about our lord; imam Ali (pbuh) ?

January 11, 2016 0

He answered with a question, “Where is the best place?”
I replied, “Mosque”
Again he asked,” Where is the best place in a mosque?”
I replied,” Mihrab1”
He continued,” What’s the best behavior?”

Once the father[ Ali ibn Yaghtin’ s father] asked,

June 5, 2017 0

Once the father[ Ali ibn Yaghtin’ s father] asked,

“How did prophet Muhammad( pbuh&h)’ s promise about Bani… came true,

but about imam Zaman( hgr)’ s emergence did’nt!”

Ali ibn Yaghtin answered, ” Dear father, if they had told us that the Emergence would be the next 200 or 300 years,

The people would trun heartless

The Biggest Punishment

May 23, 2016 0

[Several years ago]God decided to punish a nationBut a while passed and nothing happened and the situation was calm. Then their prophet(pbuh) asked God,” [ my Lord!] What’s the matter?”

Good for the ones who do …

December 15, 2015 0

Good for the ones who do all of these in Muharram4:
Beat the chest
Pour out grief from their hearts,
Walk in barefoot,

Ways of having affectionate relationship with the Imam (mgehr):

November 26, 2018 0

In fact the one who devotes her/his life for saving others’ lives, becomes similar to The Savior.

The one who looks forward to The Savior, cares for others and spends time for others’ life.

And s/he cares for others’ children as like as theirs,

[s/ he believes in this expression:]

Love for Others What You Love for Yourself.

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

June 5, 2017 0

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

I have a bad toothache.

And have a bad headache, earache, and a painful temple!

I have been restless, since Friday that I have felt painful!

I can’t eat and sleep.

I have tried a lot to get relax and recover, but it was useless!

Nobody told me

August 26, 2016 0

That I have some responsibilities during your occultation time; the responsibilities of love

I wish I had realized it better that, imam[ Zaman( hgr)] is actually present, whether he is absent or apparent.

And [I m proud that] you are my imam!

Alas! You are hidden from view
