Do you know Ahmad ibn- Helal?

December 15, 2015 0

He made Hajj for 54 times;

And he travelled 20 times of those, in foot!

He was a trustable man by imam Askari( pbuh), also one of special companions of prophet Muhammad( pbuh&h) and a narrator of the 14 infallible imams’ traditions …

RezaKhan had several official wives whome

June 8, 2017 0

RezaKhan had several official wives whome first of them was Safieh from Hamedan. He had a girl from Safieh in the name HamdamoSaltanah and put her away after one year.
TajolMolouk, the second wife of RezaShah, was a girl of an ofiser from Azardayjan (from old Soviet) who married Reza.
(TajolMolouk: mother of MohammadRezaShah)

Is it the way that, a lover neglects his/ her beloved [even] a moment?!

August 20, 2017 0

In a cold wintry midnight, when it was a heavy snow and all the roads and alleys were in white, I looked down the alley and saw someone at the end. He was leaning his head to the wall, while there was a heap of snow on his head!

I told myself,” Maybe he is an addicted homeless that had syncope!”

[But when]I went forward, I saw he is a young man!

I shook him!

just some lines by Zyanab ( pbuh)

December 15, 2015 0

“No God, but Allah” just some lines by Zyanab5( pbuh) the majesty
Tell a long story short…. Ah! What a grief!
Respect has died… Ah! What a grief!
Harmala5 just missed to 1 arrow to throw … Ah! What a grief!

The Last Imam; His majesty Al- Qā’im 1 (mgehr)

November 9, 2018 0

In Qādir Khumm, the first point The Holy Prophet (pbuh&h) remarked about Imam Mahdi (mgehr)

was that he referred,  “Mahdī (mgehr) is of us “Nabuwat [prophet hood] and Imamate family”.

«مَعاشِرَ النَّاسِ انِّی نَبِی وَعَلِی وَصِیی اَلا اِنَّ خاتَمَ” الْاَئِمَّةِ مِنَّا الْقائِمُ المهدی؛

He stated, “O, people! In fact, I am the Prophet and ʿAlī (pbuh) is my successor. 

Find the hearts; warm with faith

November 26, 2018 0

Whoever always thinks of Imam Zamān (mgehr),

s/ he won’t think about sins.

Ayatullah Bahjat (mhgbs):

The hearts have [usually] turned cold in faith and aren’t lit by knowledge.

There are some signs by God for the faithful people, before the Emergence

June 5, 2017 0

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) stated,

There are some signs by God for the faithful people, before the Emergence:

Surly, we will test all of you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth and lives, and fruits. So, 29/5000

Give glad tidings to the patients.

By hunger, it refers to the high expenses.

Good for the ones who do …

December 15, 2015 0

Good for the ones who do all of these in Muharram4:
Beat the chest
Pour out grief from their hearts,
Walk in barefoot,