“Iblis” said to Prophet Yahya (pbuh):

July 29, 2016 0

“Iblis1” said to Prophet Yahya (pbuh):

I was one of the angels and prostrated myself for four thousand years. But finally I was rejected, damned and thrown down by the Almighty Allah.

My eyes sunk rain, because of missing you.

June 5, 2017 0

My eyes sunk rain, because of missing you.

An obsolete lover cries so soon.

Just you can heal this incurable disease.

My pain is treated with a kiss on your feet.

Good for a servant who is pure and simple!

what’s your idea about our lord; imam Ali (pbuh) ?

January 11, 2016 0

He answered with a question, “Where is the best place?”
I replied, “Mosque”
Again he asked,” Where is the best place in a mosque?”
I replied,” Mihrab1”
He continued,” What’s the best behavior?”

Do you know , What is unique ?

January 26, 2016 0

*What is unique?
*And the ones who are just 2 not more?
*And are just 3 not more?
[And it continues up to 12]
*And finally are just 12 not more?

The Effects of love for Imam Zamān (mgehr)

November 26, 2018 0

To get free from sadness and joy of the world

The sadness and joy of Imam Zamān (mgehr)’s lover depends on, if s/ he feels close or far from him.


The era with you, the era without cruelty

June 8, 2017 0

Then, the Zionist [Israeli] soldiers won’t break mercilessly into the houses any more.
Yemeni baby girl won’t lose her father,
The Palestinian child’s head won’t be crushed [by the Zionist].
Women’s dignity will be preserved.

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

June 5, 2017 0

Hi! I extracted my wisdom teeth!

I have a bad toothache.

And have a bad headache, earache, and a painful temple!

I have been restless, since Friday that I have felt painful!

I can’t eat and sleep.

I have tried a lot to get relax and recover, but it was useless!