What the anti-Islam Western Media do

November 10, 2018 0

What the anti-Islam Western Media do, is to create charms and false interests in the [material] world.

It’s in order to create thought and inner resemblance between the young and the west, they encourage them toward western patterns.

Sāmarrāʞ at a glance

January 2, 2019 0

About the main reason of build Sāmarrāʞ, Ibn Athčr (one of the famous historians) wrote:

In 220 AH, Muʿtaᚣim went to Sāmarrāʞ to build a city there. He did so because he had mentioned,

‘I am afraid of armies! If they rebel, they will kill all of slaves. I prefer to be in a location which I can overlook them.’

Dear Sir!

June 5, 2017 0

I turned into an abstemious one in Ramadan month.

And I was grappling with hunger pains

Although I haven’t woke up soon for the sake of you,

I became an early bird because of hunger!!

If we tear along with Imam Zaman (mgehr)

November 26, 2018 0

If we tear along with Imam Zaman (mgehr) [our tears are on the basis of faith and knowledge],

We will tear truly for Imam Ḥusayn (pbuh).

[Then] the path of the heavens opens to us;

[The rest of the text” Golani army”]

June 5, 2017 0

There have happened a main doubt and a strong prejudice about the text that was related to Golani army.

They went to the 33-day war against the Lebanese resistance forces.which I got from Israeli media.

First: Some doubted the validity of the text.Now, as a response I should say, they can refer to the book; I suggested before or read “Haaretz” newspaper. And also they can surf the related web.

Be prepared for the disaster

January 20, 2023 0

That message is not [just] for Imām Ḥusayn ’s (pbuh) wife and children, that message is for us.  Guard the religion of God and know that, God will be your guardian. The most important message for all of us is, “Stand by your religion in the worst situation”

Israeli television channels competed

June 5, 2017 0

This news was printed in Zhiyanist “Haaretz” Newspaper and broad casted in Israeli television.

Israeli television channels competed

For inviting elite soldiers and officers to come to the studio,

And narrate the tragedy that had occurred to them!

Who lost his hand One of Gholani army officers; Aysan Aikhner

in the war, attended in the program.

The TV host asked him, “

I oath deeply if you aren`t pleasantry and softhearted, you

September 23, 2016 0

Step by step to meet God. faith/p30(PelePele ta molaghat khoda)

Prof Fateminia said:

I often don’t oath but I have to oath now, , ladies and gentleman hear what I say:

I oath to her majesty Fatima Zahra (pbuh), if you aren`t pleasantry and soft hearted ,you can`t get any spirituality.

Don`t think you can get any spirituality, If you are an angry man who often discords at home…