The Imam is the heart of the universe

November 26, 2018 0

To understand the titer, notice the following narration:

Once Imam Sādiq (pbuh) asked “Hishām ibn Ḥakam”,

“Tell me how you debate Amroo ibnʿUbayd?”

Hishām reacted,

“The affection to us “Ahl al Bayt”

November 10, 2018 0

مَنْ رَزَقَهُ اللَّهُ حُبَ الْأَئِمَّةِ مِنْ أَهْلِ بَیْتِی فَقَدْ أَصَابَ خَیْرَ الدُّنْیَا وَ الْآخِرَةِ فَلَا یَشُکَّنَّ أَحَدٌ أَنَّهُ فِی الْجَنَّةِ»

If The Almighty God grants someone the affection to Imams (pbu th),

they will  has come to all the good of the world and the Hereafter. So, no one doubts such a person will enter in heaven.

Professor Panahian” Getting interested”

November 29, 2017 0

Unless there is ḏikr‎ 1, there won’t be any interest!

Take this world for example. What increases our interest in it

and brings the world pleasing to us?

Yet, you can taste and smell the world [its physical]

And on the whole, it is available and you can easily experience it.

Some evolutions after the Emergence

November 29, 2017 0

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h) stated, “At that time [after the Emergence] my Ummah [Muslims] have such a blessing that no people have ever experienced like that!

[At that time], all over the Earth give harvest and nothing be withhold from people! Wealth increases…[1]

Economy flourish… Cities grow up… and no ruins remains…[2]

Windows and balconies that overlook lanes are corrected, and wastewater which is poured onto the lanes are treated. 3

I am looking forward, and he was looking forward too!

October 5, 2017 0

I am looking forward [to the Emergence], and he [Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi] was looking forward too! [It means you can’t compare us. He was truly looking forward, but I just say, not act]

The late sir Sayyid Karim Mahmoudi; famous as “Sayyid Karim Kaffāsh [Kaffāsh means shoemaker]” lived in Tehran, around sixty years ago.

He had a stand of shoemaking and cobbling…

Let’s analyze again “Friday”

August 20, 2017 0

[On Fridays we have] Nudba paryer1 crying, conventions, looking forward the Emergence… [But why do we again commit] sins?

On this Friday, your [ritual] chest beater again cries.

S/ he is upset and cries, since you haven’t come

The land of Karbobala [stressed form of the word” Karbala”] cries, because of parting you.

Our mind is [like] a flower bed.

August 20, 2017 0

It is to be planted flower in it.

And if not, there will grow weed.

Planting a rose,

isn’t easier than pruning weed!

We‘d better plant lots of flowers,

No to let weed grow!

Is it the way that, a lover neglects his/ her beloved [even] a moment?!

August 20, 2017 0

In a cold wintry midnight, when it was a heavy snow and all the roads and alleys were in white, I looked down the alley and saw someone at the end. He was leaning his head to the wall, while there was a heap of snow on his head!

I told myself,” Maybe he is an addicted homeless that had syncope!”

[But when]I went forward, I saw he is a young man!

I shook him!