Israeli television channels competed

This news was printed in Zhiyanist “Haaretz” Newspaper and broad casted in Israeli television.


Israeli television channels competed

For inviting elite soldiers and officers to come to the studio,

And narrate the tragedy that had occurred to them!

Who lost his hand One of Gholani army officers; Aysan Aikhner

in the war, attended in the program.

The TV host asked him, “

How did you have your hand cut off”

His answer wondered and surprised all audience:

He said:

We experienced a very difficult war, and

We had a very large number of people.

While we were entering “Bint Jbeil suburb,


I stood behind a tree to cover my army soldiers,

Meanwhile, I started to monitor some houses, with my Sniper rifles

To observe Hezbollah forces

There  I saw3 Islamic Resistance fighters who were slowly getting near to us,

to enmesh our soldiers.

They looked to be very easy targets

But just the time I  wanted to aim and shoot them,

Suddenly I was confronted by a horseman

and a sword in hand.

He cut off my hand with one blow!!

I was very frightened!!!

The TV host asked him,

“Were they really fighting on horses and had swords?!!”

The Israeli officer answered,

“ Yes, and even some soldiers reported me

about facing a horseman on a courser.

He looked riding so fast that they couldn’t shoot him.

This has been printed in the book ”Mujezat and Kiramat in the battle of al-Wa’ad al-Sadiq”

Further explanations:

If you are interested to know more, search the book in internet.

Then you can know more than what I wrote.

Yet, we don’t know exactly who that horse man was.

Although its very shocking  and exemplary, we aren’t sure whether that horse man was Sahib al- Zaman( hgr)

But if you know English, you can enter the English- language site

And find more information there.