Supporting pilgrims by ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)

August 6, 2023 0

He stated, ‘Once, I came out of Hillah on the midnight of 14th of Shaʾban, to visit [Holy Shrine of] the Excellency AbÅ« Ê¿Abd AllÄh (pbuh). When we reached to Al-Hindiyya river, crossed it and went to the western side, I saw pilgrims who had left Hillah and its surroundings, and pilgrims who had come from Najaf Ashraf and its surroundings. They all were restricted in the houses of the Bani Turuf tribe, of the Hindiyya nomads.

Visiting ImÄm ZamÄn (pbuh), after forty nights worshipping

August 6, 2023 0

The mentioned Shaykh Ḥusayn was a pious man with a pure nature who was of righteous special people. He was suffering from a chest disease and was coughing up blood and phlegm.

Yet, he was in extreme poverty and misery, and he could not even effort his daily bread. Most of the time, he went to the Arab Bedouin around Najaf in order to get some food, even some barley. Tolerating all poverty and disease, he was enamored of a girl from Najaf. But her relatives rejected his proposal, because of his poverty.

Meeting with ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr) after the night of prayer

January 15, 2023 0

He was the family of the honorable scholar and the great and pious unique worshiper, Shaykh Huá¹£ayn Najaf, who was then the ImÄm of the Congregation [the clergyman for congregation] in Hindiyah Mosque of Najaf is Ashraf and in piety, goodness and grace acceptable to the people.

ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s advice about Fathers

January 15, 2023 0

Also, Sheykh al-Kulaynī  has narrated a story as follow, ‘ZakarÄ«yyÄ b. IbrÄhÄ«m was a Christian who had converted to Islam, and performed Ḥajj. One time, he went to the service of His Majesty al-á¹¢Ädiq (pbuh) and said, ‘My parents and my family all are Christian, and my mother is blind and I live with her, and eat from his plate .

The presence of ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr) in Sayyid Baḥr al-Ê¿UlÅ«m’s house

January 15, 2023 0

Even though he was in exile and cut off from his family and relatives, he was extremely generous and granted the things a lot. He didn’t pay attention to the large number of expenses and the increase in expenses.

Anyway, once I had nothing with me for the whole day. And I explained the situation to Sayyid, that there are a lot of expenses and nothing in hand.

Helping the Sunni man and turning him into Shi’a  

January 15, 2023 0

When I came back from visiting the Holy Shrine of His Majesty AbÅ« Ê¿Abd AllÄh (pbuh), I was going to Najaf by the Euphrates. I sat in a small boat ; roaing from Karbala to Tawiraj (Hindiyah).

People in the boat we all from Hillah. The way of Hillah was parted from Najaf at Tawiraj . Yet, I saw the people began reveling and joking, except one man who was with them and didn’t join their activity.

A red rose from KhahrÄbÄt

January 15, 2023 0

‘Once I got tired of walking, so I slept beneath a tree, but it lasted too much and the pilgrims passed me and got far away from me. When I woke up, I was not aware of the time; how long I have slept.  

Judgment of ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) between Shia and Sunni

September 20, 2022 0

There was an old friendship and companionship between one of the Twelver Shi’a scholars whose name was Abu al- QÄsim ibn Muḥammad ibn AbÄ« al- QÄsim ḤasemÄ«, and one Sunni scholar, called RafÄ«Ê¿ al-DÄ«n Ḥusayn. They had a partnership in their properties and were together in most situations and on trips. But, none of them hid his religion or his belief from the other. Abu al- QÄsim used to call RafÄ«Ê¿ al-DÄ«n NÄá¹£ibÄ«, as humor, and on the other hand, RafÄ«Ê¿called Abu al- QÄsim as RÄfiá¸ah

The story of a false pomegranate and a conspiracy against the Shiites

September 20, 2022 0

One day, the evil vizier entered before the sovereign with a pomegranate and handed it to him. The sovereign had a look at it, it was written on it, “There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and Abubakr, Ummer, ʻUthman, and Ali are the successors of the Messenger of Allah

Healing KÄshÄnÄ« by ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)

September 20, 2022 0

A crowd of the people from Najaf informed me, that a KÄshÄnÄ« man came to Najaf Ashraf in order to go on Ḥajj to Bayt al HarÄm. But he became disabled there, because of a serious disease. It was so serious that he had still legs, and he couldn’t walk!