ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s advice about father [respecting fathers]

June 9, 2023 0

He used to care a lot on giving service to his father except on Tuesday nights, when he would go to Sahlah Mosque. But afterward, he left going to the Mosque. And when I asked the reason, he answered, ‘I went there for forty Tuesday nights. But last Tuesday, I didn’t manage to go soon and I reached there before the evening. Yet, I went there alone and it became dark

Meeting ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) by Baḥr al-Ê¿UlÅ«m, in the Holy Sardab1

June 9, 2023 0

I was with that honorable man on a trip to Samarra. He had a chamber where he slept alone, and I had a chamber connected to his. I serviced him with care day and at night, people used to gather in his presence until late at night. One night, he sat down as usual and people gathered around him, but I saw that he seemed to be averse to staying in the gatherings and liked there to be deserted.

Praying under the water spout of Kaʿbah

April 8, 2022 0

‘Once I was prostrating under the spout; the water-spout of the great Kaaba, in 54th Hajj. After the Isha prayer, I was performing supplication to God, when I felt that someone is shaking me and saying: “O! Haá¹£an ibn Wajna'”. So I stood up and saw, there was a sallow-faced, rather thin bondwoman, looking forty or more. She began to proceed me up, I (followed her and) did not ask her anything until we reached to the house of KhadÄ«ja.

Searching for ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)

April 8, 2022 0

The fourteen is, they also have narrated from AlÄ« ibn SinÄn al-Mawá¹£ilÄ«, that he said on behalf of his father, ‘When His Majesty AbÅ« Muḥammad (pbuh) passed away, a crowd of people just arrived from Qom and cities of Jabal[1], bringing some possessions [to pass His Majesty], as it was a custom then. They were not aware of His Majesty’s demise. Once they arrived in Samarra, they asked about His Majesty, and they were told that he has passed away.

The meeting of the representative of Mufavaze[1] with ImÄm ZamÄn (mgher)

April 8, 2022 0

The tenth, MasÊ¿Å«dÄ« , Shaykh Tusi, and others have narrated from AbÅ« NuÊ¿aym Muhammad ibn AhmÄd Ä€nsÄri, that he said, ‘A group of Mufavaze and Magh’sarah[2] had sent KÄmel ibn Ä«brahÄ«m MadanÄ« to Samarra, in order to debate His Majesty AbÅ« Muḥammad (pbuh) about their matters. KÄmel said, ‘I said to myself that, ‘I will ask His Majesty that, no one will enter the heaven unless his knowledge is like me and believe in what I say’.

Installation of Ḥajar al-Aswad [the Black Stone] by the ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)

April 8, 2022 0

So that year, I wished to perform Hajj in the hope of meeting His Majesty Sahib al-Amar (mgehr); because, it has been narrated in AḥadÄ«th á¹¢aḥīḥ1 that, Ḥajar al-Aswad will not be installed by anyone other than the one ,who is infallible or is ImÄm ZamÄn (mgher). Similarly, before Beˈthat [the prophetic mission of the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)], when KaÊ¿bah was destroyed by flood, it was His Majesty the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) who installed it.

The image of Imam Mahdi

May 4, 2021 0

He had a spot on his right cheek, which was like a small black little thing on a silver screen. Also, his black amber smelling hair reached his earlobe length. With the outmost tranquility, dignity, modesty and good fortune, a light was radiating from his bright forehead, like a shining star.

Nice visiting of Imam Mahdi and AlÄ« ibn MahziÄr

March 31, 2021 0

He said, ‘This is a shrine to which, no one enters but Walīy [the Friend] of God. And no one gets out, but Walīy!’ After that, I wanted to enter His Excellency’s service. I reached near his holy illuminating tent. But [the young man] ordered, ‘Stay here, till I get permission for you.’ He got out, after a little time and said, ‘Blessed are you! You are permitted!