what is the meaning of name Gharim for promised saviour ?

The fifth is “Gharimâ€. The title is of The Excellency’s special titles, and it is one of his common titles in narrations.

Gharim can mean both a “Debtor†and a “Creditorâ€. Here, it looks to mean the first one. This tile was given to him because of TaqÄ«yah, like the title QulÄm [an adolescent boy]. As the Shiites used to send him or his Four Deputies, some money, write wills or borrow some [money] from him, they called him “Gharimâ€.

However, most of the farmers, traders, craftsmen and artisans owed money to the ImÄm (mgehr). Similarly, it was mentioned about what happened to Muḥammad ibn SÄlih; one of ImÄm Haá¹£an Ê»AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s companions.

[In addition,] Allama Majlisī (Mgbh) said:

Gharim may mean “The Debtor1â€. So, they have entitled The Excellency to it; because, he has been hiding himself [during the Occultation Eras]; due to being [spiritually] indebted to the people. If people see The Excellency, they will ask the Imam (mgehr) for his knowledge and the religious law. Therefore, he [necessarily] has to leave them; due to TaqÄ«yah. Yes, The Excellency is an occulted debtor! May God hasten his emergence (14)!

The sixth is “QÄ’imâ€. It means, the one whom the Almighty God will rise to obey God’s order. Yes, The Excellency has been prepared all days and nights, to put the divine order into action, as [God] orders him to emerge.


1-In the Major Occultation Era [now], ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr) are not to be seen by most people, except pious and pure ones. So, not all people can enjoy learning his knowledge and guidance. But after the Emergence, all will enjoy his presence.